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27 June 2014

What does the hygienist do?

Dental hygienists undergo specialised training to work hand in hand with the dentist in caring for patients. They are experts in dental health care and are particularly focused in concerns related to gum health. The most well-known part of the hygienist’s job is to show people correct practices in personal dental hygiene and how to effectively keep both teeth and gums healthy.

Not all dental practices have a hygienist. However, it’s now more common for practices to offer the services of a hygienist as part of the services they offer to patients. A dental hygienist can work on a patient independently provided the patient has already seen the dentist and has been referred for treatment under a hygienist.

The main work of a hygienist is to perform regular professional cleaning of the patient’s teeth. This process is called ‘scaling and polishing’. This treatment is important in conjunction with personal dental hygiene practices to maintain clean and healthy mouth and teeth, fresh breath, plus a boost in physical appearance. The most important aspect of the hygienist’s work is to remove tartar from your teeth and show you how to keep your teeth plaque free and prevent gum disease. Tartar refers to hard deposits that build up on the teeth over time. Serious tartar build up can only be effectively removed by a dental professional.

For starters, the hygienist demonstrates how you can remove plaque using fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush. They will also show the proper way of cleaning your teeth using interdental brushes, floss, or tape. They are responsible for dispensing advice to patients regarding diet and preventing tooth decays. Your diet has an impact on your susceptibility to get tooth decays. Let your hygienist take a look at your decay problem and at the same time, disclose information about your diet and dental hygiene practices so that the hygienist can provide you with appropriate recommendations. Dental hygienists are willing to work closely with your dentist to provide you with dental care that’s particularly suited to your situation and needs.

Dental hygienists are eligible to take dental x-rays. As a practicing professional in the industry, they would have undergone proper training in taking x-rays, plus the certificate to go with it. The dentist can then use the patient’s x-rays as a basis in diagnosing problems and arriving at solutions and corresponding treatment. If according to the dentist’s findings you have fissure sealants, he may refer you to a dental hygienist because that is part of the arsenal of treatments they are eligible to provide patients.

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